que faire à redu?
The village of Redu is best known for its bookshops. But there are plenty of other things to do during your stay in our hotel ‘Le Fournil’.
Are you a book lover? If so, visiting the book haven of Redu – where our establishments are located – is a must. Very few predicted such an adventure for the unassuming little village prior to 1984, when it was officially declared a “book town”. Nowadays, its reputation has spread far beyond our borders.
Located in the centre of the village, the church dates back to 1851.
You just have to give the door of the church – which is open every morning – a little push to take a look around.
True to its slogan, “Art done differently”, MUDIA has established itself as an intriguing museum attraction. It’s main priority: ensuring visitors enjoy themselves at the museum! Over 300 original and international works of art, from the gothic period and the Renaissance to the contemporary era, offer a unique overview of the great history of art: Véronèse, Brueghel, Rodin, Spilliaert, Wouters, Picasso, Modigliani, Giacometti, Magritte, Hergé, Franquin, Geluck, etc.
Without paper, you wouldn’t have books, but did you know that you can make paper from vegetables? Intriguing, don’t you think?
Once you walk through the door of this extraordinary workshop, you will discover old-fashioned paper production techniques that will raise an eyebrow, to say the least.
Space art gallery
Le projet SPACE ART GALLERY, au cœur du village du livre et de l’Art de REDU, a vu le jour avec, comme objectif d’offrir une expérience artistique unique dans la région en adéquation avec la thématique culturelle de REDU Découvrez un monde où les talents créatifs s’entremêlent : peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs, designers et photographes se réunissent dans un espace unique dédié à l’expression artistique sous toutes ses formes. Des œuvres captivantes et novatrices vous attendent à chaque coin, offrant un véritable voyage au travers des émotions et des idées.
Fun, unusual and unique in Europe, the Euro Space Center is a leisure and discovery facility revolving around the theme of space and space conquest. Become a space passenger, immerse yourself in the daily life of astronauts and relive the greatest moments in the history of space exploration! At the end of the visit, you’ll make your way to the moon, via the 5D cinema, exhibition, planetarium and Moonwalk XP/Marswalk XP.
domaine de la croix du pendu
Enraciné sur les coteaux du village du Livre et de l’Espace et désormais de la Vigne, dans les terres schisteuses ardennaises, le Vignoble de La Croix du Pendu est conduit de manière raisonnée et respectueuse de la nature pour offrir un vin vif, tout en finesse et qui porte la promesse d’un terroir généreux.
Entre Lesse et Lomme | 78 km hike in the Ardennes.
Electric mountain bike rental center in Libin.
To allow you to discover the most beautiful places in our Ardennes forests, various routes are available to you; from family hiking (with child seats or 2-seater trailer) to very hilly technical hiking for the most experienced (with or without a guide).
Boasting stags, woodland and legends, and a must-see destination for a nature-oriented break, the Great Saint-Hubert Forest spreads out over 100,000 ha, half of which are covered in trees. There are 10 municipalities found therein: Daverdisse, Wellin, Tellin, Libin, Libramont-Chevigny, Saint- Hubert, Tenneville, Nassogne, Sainte-Ode and Bertogne.